Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas arse

Have I been too busy to blog or too little to report? Well, that never stopped me in the past, but then I could talk about all my ideas which have really been used up since I started. The rest has been totally routine except seeing someone I hadn't seen for nearly 30 years from Facebook which is another thing that would have been impossible without the internet.
The rest is potential. People coming to me tomorrow night, one or two VIPs (one I think as the second hasn't replied) but she is the main one on the list for that event. Tuesday should provide the exact date and time of my American TV programme, and I'm still working as per usual which makes up for the months earning nothing previously. The video camera has now been fully tweaked so should behave almost perfectly now, so weather permitting will be filming travel videos of 4 minutes of Golders Green, Hampstead (again?), Brent Cross and Staples Corner (again?), and maybe even Highgate (the last one I took wasn't readable).

I've learnt a lot from the other therapists here, mainly that we are human and allowed to have weird lives and talk about them, not to hide from possible client views but show them an example how we are all free to express ourselves. Being different is certainly not being insane. And we are all looking for the same things, we just get it in different ways. A background of comfort with extra peak experiences. Neither can be created at will. I can't do more than work to buy my house but can't get a friend, woman or family member to share it with. I can make arrangements of all sorts but may not enjoy them. Etc. As I've done enough running around for me in this life and possibly more than others have in theirs I'm very happy to stay at home and around it with nice people. I've seen enough of the world for a sample of most different places and it has no more or less in one place than anything else. And most can be found in London anyway if you know where to look. Possibly only a small part compared to miles of scenery elsewhere, but my photos testify to how diverse London is and contains many of the best and worst places I've ever been to.

For those who know, take Tottenham and Hampstead Garden Suburb. 5 miles apart at most but could be on different planets. Or Blackheath and Deptford, just 2 miles apart. Even my old house was 1/4 of a mile from some of the worst roads I've ever been to in my life. Then apart from the countryside much of England is nondescript. Either identical rows of Victorian, 30s or council houses. Impossible to distinguish from Devon to Newcastle. OK, there are some local islands of variation due to quarries making grey or yellow stone but outside them it is pretty uniform.
Other countries have their own styles like the Dutch and American wooden henhouses which line miles of identical roads from coast to coast. That isn't from TV, I've covered about 10 states so can say apart from local styles normally borrowed from the Spanish their states vary as little as our counties. I digress.

That's why I no longer need to travel. I may fill in a few more trips while I live, but relaxing at home with friends or family suits me nowadays. It always did between trips out but they have been exhausted and I can do nearly anything within the small local area. I just need a woman who agrees and I am sorted. They do exist but like truffles are hard to find, but unlike truffles the good ones are not always in the same places. They can turn up anywhere, and this decade I have worked through cleaners (not my own), colleagues, agencies, exes, shop workers, gym staff and members, and anyone I can try and pull at a funeral. The success rates are as random as the places. No rule, no guide, just keep looking. I'll add what used to be Middlesex has a thriving mental (ill) health community which I am closely tied up with. They meet in hospital, make friends elsewhere and then introduce them to their community. Each stay has a selection of old friends and most I have met know the others. Besides the pain of the illness they seem to have it better socially than any other Middlesex residents. And they don't of course tell you they've been there till they vanish and discover sooner or later they've gone back there again.

So I have a simple formula I have no power to fulfil, just an aim. Far less than most. Of course I want to be famous and as rich as possible but that is not necessary for pleasure, just a bonus. And ones within my control as business related. That's why they have slowly progressed over the years while the others, which I got without trying, have gone. I've even said here a few times I'm open to offers and if my way of life sounds better than the endless restaurants, concerts and films most people seem to do in between their full time jobs then I am here. I met my last girlfriend online so know it's as good a place as anywhere else. The other people I met here have been as much as I expected them to be as if I'd got to know them face to face, and know you learn as much here as you do that way or watching them on Big Brother. The information is the same however you learn it.


Casdok said...

Yes i think we are all looking for similar things.
London is incredibly diverse. I take my son there quite often. I love going there and just people watching (discreelty of course! Everyone is to busy looking at my son to notice!!)
May 2008 be kind to you - Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

You probably already have all you want and need, don't worry about the things you don't have. If you got them, they would most likely just make you miserable. And if they didn't, you'd have to worry about losing them the whole time.

David said...

Thanks casdok, and the same for you.

Anon, you can't say that if you have had what you want before and lost it. It made me very happy then and lack of something you do know is a pretty good reason to want it again. Maybe you got caught up the wrong track somehow yourself.