Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Finding the truth

Before I start I just want to say why the internet is a better source of news than the conventional (biased and corrupt) media. Tomorrow is meant to be when the Large Hadron Collider comes on line. Well what they have done is present it as if it's going to be working and used then, but in fact tomorrow is when they turn it on and begin a minimum of three months of tests before it's actually used. Just preparing you all for the disappointment tomorrow before it actually happens.

Right, I've got that out of the way. This week continues the theme of the last few, minor activities to just keep me interested enough in life but no more, and no ideas for more. Running out of photo ideas and no new hobby in sight even the places I plan to visit for postcodes probably won't have them as each borough decides whether to use them or not outside the London codes. One more pack of postcards to deliver to somewhere that closed as I approached it on Saturday, assuming they want it, and as always not one but two work appointments this week after a couple of months off.

That's as far as reality goes, all else will be from my fertile imagination, and probably revolve around the inevitability of non events in all our lives. The LHC (collider) is a pretty good example, although that is delayed rather than defunct, but we don't actually know when it'll be used, let alone how long they expect to take before it actually provides any results they can use. I've learnt never to expect anything now, as we all should, and only a part of eastern teachings they all take for granted. As for my personal abilities of perception all I can say is we all have things that interest us, and one of mine is blowing apart all the illusions of the world. Once you learn any formula you can then apply it indefinitely, and I simply check all rules and stories to see if they hold up, and many don't. The fact few care to do it, and from them few actually do a decent job then it means much of what I say is if not original, bloody hard to find. Like the LHC. I found two sites so far telling the truth but besides one random caller on the radio all the official media are talking like it's being used tomorrow. Bollocks it is.

I have seen through enough scams and illusions, and also have to correct many in my work which only exist in the minds of the people who come to see me, it is just what I do. People often don't like it as it's the 'original sin' of telling your kids Father Christmas doesn't exist. You don't get any flowers from telling the truth in this world. People accept the authorities on the threat of global warming even though there is no evidence it will do any harm at all (especially compared to any benefits of it which you never see talked about, such as many fewer people dying of the cold). With such a huge gap people like me have to fill it, and a few such as Nils-Axel Morner and Philip Stott do a very good job in the area of the climate, and David Icke generally, but he tarnished his reputation by throwing in the lizards. Conspiracies, of course, but lizards? Keep that bit to yourself!
But besides a handful of whistle blowers in public, the others are either so scared to talk, or so poor at communicating it's down to a handful to keep going and get whatever force there is in return from those that don't like it. No praise but one mind taught is worth all the manure thrown at me if it happens. You don't choose to do this, you just realise you see something and hardly anyone else does, even when you point it out. Elephants in rooms really are invisible to the blind of will.

Denying the holocaust. Questioning the truth of the bible is one thing, it was written and then heavily edited and there is no evidence for much of its writings. But out of all current events (ie that happened within our lifetimes) people still try and pretend the holocaust didn't happen? No one questions the genocide of the Aborigines or Native Americans, or who won the world wars, or the US Civil War, but a few jew-haters (antisemites is too vague) have no hesitation to simply pretend it didn't happen, while every other current event is impossible to deny as people remember it and records exist physically (bones, clothes, gas chambers, films, dead bodies etc). This is what I'm working against. Liars, out and out crooks behind the lies and the sad people who follow good talkers with no substance behind their stories. And anyone who calls me a liar is clearly one of that team as the easiest thing to do to your enemy is deny their honesty.

If I wanted to hide anything it would be a lot easier just not to mention it, and the fact all the personal data I've given shows me to be part of the lowest underclass in society above criminals makes me wonder what I'd have had to cover up to make this look better. I may well be vague as we can be questioned in real time on what we mean like a conversation but not here, and haven't got a team of editors like professional writers, but there's no reason to lie about myself, let alone anything else.
I know it's so rare in this world for anyone to be so open it's bound to arouse suspicion, but that's not my fault.

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