Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Fitting together?

Possibly, just possibly, there is a pattern in everything that's happening around me. Basically I've discovered I'm far too sensitive to literally everything. So what's been happening? Little events have been repeating themselves until I react to each type differently. I needed it.

I had various fears of consequences, physical attacks and similar, other disasters which are in fact very unlikely but my mind came to expect the worst, and it was time I dumped as much of it as possible. I am now noticing when one comes in and training myself to react differently to each, until it both becomes a habit, and hopefully covers it all without any exceptions.

I have felt I had a lot to lose in the past, but technically I appear to have got this far, clearly what I fear has rarely come into my reality, and when it has was rarely close to what I expected. So I have just realised there was a point to it all, and have shifted as a result of getting that point.

I have read these events are actually designed to teach us rather than just be the wasps at the picnic with no function but to aggravate as they seem on the surface. The main spiritual teachers go a step further by saying it's all a dream and like a dream, it's all me, nothing else. If you realise you're dreaming while asleep you may not wake up, but instantly realise nothing's real, there's nowhere really to go and no one else there as it's all taking place in your own consciousness. Well the spiritual (for want of a better word) view is this waking life is the same. Therefore every coincidence and awareness of things we shouldn't expect to be aware of make sense if we view it as a script written by ourselves, only to forget we wrote it until we start picking up the clues when the time to wake up grows nearer. Whether we write a teacher into the dream to appear to tell us to wake up, as many do, or find it out in other ways, once we've used up the unconscious dream the time comes to move on to the full awareness of our true nature as the 'big I', ie everything.

Of course, by accepting this, I also accept I'm only writing this to myself, but until we wake up I have to stay in the dream whether I'm aware it's a dream or not. So though, if enlightened I'd realise there was no one else out there to know, somehow it's still part of the plan to awaken more apparent others out there as that's how the system works. It's beyond the mind's logic here, but this teaching transcends anything the mind can handle, but somehow rings true at a deeper level. It's been said almost unanimously by teachers for thousands of years, and why would such a consistent point be made by so many if it was wrong?

As I have no experience of this state of unity myself, I am only repeating what I've learnt from teachers I consider honest and sincere, and have no reason to fabricate any of this. They often have these experiences prior to any learning, and have to go and search for an explanation after something's happened rather than just being given an inspiring idea and becoming it through suggestion. But events such as the coincidences, followed by the chances for personal growth I've been given recently do imply a much different story to life than the one science offers. And anyone who question how you can create a dream as complex as life, what about some of the experiences you call actual dreams? Would you believe you could create those scenarios and experiences had you not just lived through them while asleep? Certainly not in my own case.

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