Saturday, August 16, 2008

It had to be said

I really don't want to be doing this, but since it's been questioned constantly I may as well explain a bit more about the phobias. This isn't a blog about my phobias or in general, only when they are relevant do they get mentioned but that has now led to at least one person trying to fill in all the gaps I hadn't mentioned. I don't want to be reminded of these problems so only mention them where they need to be, such as now.

If the list of arrangements I couldn't go to was here it would cover many pages. The only difference is how long it is that particular day as like all mental illnesses it isn't constant. Even the worst schizophrenia and depression come and go relatively. Anyone who actually is in the mental health business would know this and very few others do. The only approval we need is of the government who set a test so difficult few can slip through by mistake, and is about to get a lot tougher. If bored amateurs think they can diagnose me better than them, with no interview and based on fragments of a blog it shows the amount of effort they are prepared to put into their condemnation of people they lump in with paedophiles and terrorists. And often they also have very unpleasant skeletons in their own cupboards which leads them to diverting the attention by looking at other people. Every 'ism' and prejudice is the same, and I'd say frequently also based on the repression (or not) of the very things they condemn the most, as they feel the strongest about what is within them, and only use others to reflect this.

And don't bother commenting in future if you haven't got anything new to say.


Anonymous said...

And don't bother commenting in future if you haven't got anything new to say.

Methinks you need to take that statement and apply to yourself, because you always have the same 'ole, same 'ole crap to say.

Why don't you do everyone a favour and take your own advice.

tashi said...

Yep that is true what you say about others projecting their 'unconscious stuff' onto you through this blog David.

One or some of your anonymous correspondents has even used the phrase, 'you need to look in a mirror David' ... its been said several times and its a real giveaway in terms of psychoanalytic body language.

David said...

Very simple, a blog is a diary so if it reflects the same person's life it's only going to be variations on a theme. Now if you don't like it unless you're a masochist why do you keep reading and obsessing about it?

One thing I have learnt, you may not understand mental illness but are displaying more signs of it than I have, especially as you've already said I haven't got one.

David said...

Tashi, it's funny how everyone else is calling this headcase, and they are even so desperate they thought a compliment was aimed at them not me. We all know they're around but it's a shame the internet lets them have free rein with absolutely no consequeces for their actions, which is a unique privilege only a relative few abuse.

David said...

I'd also suspect they get some sort of gratification from being insulted, which is very sad.

tashi said...

" ... absolutely no consequeces for their actions ..."
I think there ARE consequences for their actions. For example, their efforts to reform you according to their own particular value system are doomed to fail, which means that ultimately the only effect of their actions here will be a sense of frustration.

And given the sustained effort (sometimes running to 500 or more words) that they're putting in ... well hey, they're digging a psychological hole for themselves here. And THAT is both consequential, and sad.

David said...

You've got it there Tashi. In all my life since I left school I've never imagined insulting anyone first, it's so uncivilised and something I was also brought up not to do. If you don't like someone move on, and if you can't say anything nice don't say anything. If people don't know this they spread hate which passes along like a Newton's cradle, each victim gradually collecting negative energy till they end up venting it on some other poor sod who's in the way.
I see it all the time on the road, the nice drivers who let you in mean it raises your journey quality and vice versa. I do not mind you drop to the bad one's level and pass on the rudeness to others but it's very easy to do that generally. Like spreads like and hate spreads just like cancer. To complete the circle somehow.