Saturday, July 02, 2005

Another week

This is becoming a little ritual now for me, nothing to do, write a blog. Originally I waited for something to report but now it's a form of relaxation, a little refuge where I open the box and see what happens. I literally have no idea what I'm about to write now, so any criticism can be sent in the usual ways.

Well, another week does really point to a review of what was a pretty free week from Monday onwards. Apart from work ups and downs I'd like to go into, but the nature of the profession is too sensitive to discuss, it was pretty average except one innovation I'll mention in a minute.
I saw a couple of friends, did the garden, went for a walk around the Welsh Harp reservoir near me, which actually has spots where you can't see any buildings, only the water and trees. They've done a lot of work making a new path and improving the landscape on one side, and there are few places any better than that to look at.

The highlight was an energy treatment I received on Tuesday night, not the first I've had generally, but never Chi Gong, which had been more or less the final method on my list that I wanted to try, but only got round to when I saw it offered online from a distance. Having had little or no results from the selection in the past I had no expectations, but when I lay down for the 10 minute session, bang!, the energy came in, moved around for about 20 minutes, and then returned on and off the rest of the night. It was something real, not created by my imagination. I have been told since this is part of me now, and I can always feel it at will, which has more or less been the case since Tuesday. That is a gift I didn't expect, and by this time in my life hardly believed in. Now I know this is real, and possible to transmit regardless of physical distances. The few experiences I've had before from meditation were also pretty amazing, but didn't last. Like drugs, peak experiences are wonderful while they're happening, but once they stop and stay away leave you little better off afterwards. This is quite different. I've got this inside me and I can feel it. Science, as far as I'm concerned, can be rewritten, and one doubt in my mind from before is now gone. Practically life goes on, shit still happens, and aggravation is still real to me, so far. But I will learn this energy, and see how I can let it work to help me with all these aspects if it can, but will still be quite happy with it just as it is now.

School reunion tomorrow, I've been to nearly all since the first in 1986, but after last year's semi-funereal show, where sad to admit everyone was mainly 30 years or so older than me or just left school, and I only spoke two a couple of people I remembered who had to struggle to do so. At least this one's free and if it's crap I haven't wasted too much time or money over it. I suppose after nearly 20 years more or less anyone who wants to go will have already, and I haven't got back with one old friend after seeing them there since the first. In fact, though some were exactly the same 30 years on, others were either totally boring after being close friends, others were thick arses or wallies at school and really interesting now. But no new friendships, they have their wives and crocodile of kids bouncing around them, and I'm a curiosity from a museum who they may like to look at for a few minutes and then go back to their current lives. Last year I put 4 people on my 'Want to hear from' list, and quickly heard from one who'd just subscribed that week, and sent me an email from America. I knew she'd gone there, wasn't 100% sure if she'd stayed, but was over the moon to hear from her. I had a number of favourites there, and she was one of the top few. She has improved as well, as she used to be a quiet little mouse (though a very nice one) and is far from that now, her personality has truly come out. She may be taken (not for the first time, she's already divorced) but had she lived back in London I'd have hoped to keep up with her. So, I'm expecting sod all tomorrow, I don't even want to go but it's only once a year and if I don't who knows who may be there? Report to follow of course, and though I'm pleased with the (temporary?) lull in rude replies, I've only had about one proper comment for over a month, so I'm not even sure if I'm now talking to myself. Well, I still continue, it's not often I find something any more that fills my attention, so this is what I will do.

Any London bloggers want a party, just shout!

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