Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Sex and inspiration.

I shouldn't be writing this now, I have to be up for an appointment tomorrow but I'd miss my Monday night post. There's nothing to actually report since last time as it goes, but as I've been awake through the previous few days I'll look for some meaning in it, a bit like doing a palm reading.

I did play tennis today for the first time in a few years, my friend with the tennis court moved then and I switched my regular exercise to the gym. It was good to play again and I was actually better than I was before after having a long break. I've just sent an article off for a new magazine that's out soon, and though it's also about personal matters as I usually write about, it's also about enlightenment and I decided to have a go on that for a change, I hope they actually like and use it. Now and again I write about people I know here where only they could recognise themselves, and the number of times they vanish after I've written something about them only to discover they don't even read this still never fails to shit me up nonetheless. I don't want to offend anyone though, and would say exactly what I do here to them if the subject came up. But being direct is such an un-British (and probably nowadays un-human) thing it's ridiculous saying anything personal is liable to offend people even though it's positive. For instance, (this tends to be a female thing in my experience), women tend to be offended if an unattractive man likes them. It's as if there's something wrong with them if someone is interested in them who isn't up to their standards. What a crock of bullshit!

One day when their teeth have started to migrate and they have more lines on their face than London has tube lines even the fat local shopkeeper with the BO would be a welcome admirer. For God's sake women, learn to value any interest while you have it, it may not last for much longer. Women, on the other hand, tend to so rarely indicate to a man they are 'wet' for (I listen to women's conversations...) they even know they're there it's hardly surprising some men almost become stalkers when a woman ever lets on she likes him even a little bit. I think this is more a cultural glitch than genetic, as 'being a tart' is so strongly ingrained in most women's minds and hearts, they'll do anything they can to appear a lady and not look like she may actually even be able to experience an orgasm. Well, let me put the record straight, we're all the goddamn same! Men get erections, women get erections (OK, you need a surgical team to find them, but they do!), what's the fucking harm in admitting women get horny in front of mixed company? What will the men think? The aliens have landed? Give me a break, they'd think their lives had finally begun!

Women have maintained the 'I choose who invades my body' mystique for so long now that the dysfunctional beliefs on both sides continue to provide myself and thousands of other counsellors a constant stream of work. It needn't be that way. If women get off their high horses (another way I hear they prefer to be pleasured), and get a little closer to our randy, up-front level, the crime rate alone would plummet. Think about it, sex is neither an unhealthy (if done carefully) or restricted commodity. It doesn't run out if we use it, it doesn't cost us anything to do it, and it doesn't show we're nasty dirty people if god forbid we admit we enjoy it, and possibly even more than anything else!. Well, I am shocked, God in all his wisdom created both sexes with a sex drive, and would not have given us a drive second only to our wish for survival if he wanted us to pretend it wasn't there!

How modern culture, catholicism and Queen Victoria (to mention the worst culprits) managed to turn our greatest gift into a recipe for chaos has to be reversed before we can make the slightest return to a happy and calm society. I'm certainly not just speaking about my own dreadful luck (though it's part of the picture) but this is aimed at every other man and woman who's had an unnecessary disaster because one or the other couldn't be straight about birds and bees, and for women not to see themselves as the superiors when it comes to the bargaining process. The age of post-feminism hasn't quite arrived but I'll fight all I can to speed up that day.

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