Tuesday, September 19, 2006

While I'm here...

I may as well do this. While it's early, I'm not in a rush and there's little else to do. OK, I wrote my last entry last night and it's only this afternoon, but this is like confession, it's a form of therapy. I have no one here to talk to so am placing my thoughts here in the hope that the little numbers that add each day are doing more than clicking the wrong website by accident. I won't mention any names, but there are a few regulars who haven't commented for months, but no new commenters despite the figures still adding. I'm happy whoever visits whether or not they comment but I am just beginning to doubt the accuracy of the counter as it seems to record more than just visitors (except there are only page clicks if people read the archives which won't happen for most readers).

Today remains free, I have had a useful phone call with a TV producer explaining my UFO research in great detail, and is coordinating the alien abduction picture from every known angle. Not yet a programme, but researching for a possible one. We will see what happens.
Otherwise it's good none of the jobs in or out are urgent but I have little direction other than the computer or TV which is fine if it's work but called wasting time if for pleasure/keeping occupied, apparently. I will say the lack of comments still makes me doubt my purpose here as even when I write something that stands out I wonder if anyone cares. I will even admit to having placed a couple of philosophical concepts recently I read in a book rather than thought of first. That wasn't cheating, they fit into my own view of the world and wanted people to understand them as I do, and I added plenty of my own examples. This guy wrote common sense and amazingly the book was published the year I was born. In fact I probably did think of the ideas as well, he just reminded me of them. There is really only one objective truth and if you see it you see it, and want others to who are imagining the world works in different ways to how it does.

My little PMR radio receiver (enough said) has just packed up, which I've listened to as long as I can remember. I've got a spare if necessary but this has all its channels arranged by subject so you only have to listen to one type at a time. I won't go into too much detail as people are probably not meant to do so, but it's bloody annoying and I'm not sure if I can repair it, mainly as the screws won't undo to open it up. The power supply has become disconnected and at worst I'll have to wire it straight into the mains adaptor which means ruining the adaptor. I did it once before and the adaptor I used is not only ruined already but no longer working so the good one may have to go the same way. There are no more shops for amateur radio any more (unless the one in Chiswick remains), there used to be loads, all round there, Ealing and Acton, no idea why but if you want a radio or repair now who knows what you do. Get it on the internet I suppose, but what if it goes wrong, as they always do?

Otherwise life goes on. Boring in places and apparently unproductive, but I know it's because on my own nothing much means anything, the same household chores are nice when shared and deadly dull when done alone. I have a couple of ambitions left which are possible, and one is being a househusband. Many women are prepared to keep their well paid jobs and let the man look after the children, and having looked after others' for years know I enjoy it. And I work from home so if we can get an au pair to cover my absences I could get away with not having a job but doing something useful. Currently I think the only way I see that happening is through cloning...

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