Friday, March 17, 2006

The meaning of life

People frequently seem to offer the world in the title only to end up advertising something or talking about something else entirely like the title of a band or book.

I wouldn't dream of misleading and letting down readers like that. If I say I have found the meaning of life I have, that's it. So, what is it?

I can only talk from my experience but ought to apply universally as there's nothing better I can imagine. It's magic. Not Tommy Cooper or Paul Daniels type magic, but the times and things in life that lift it to a higher level than usual and one you always try to get back. It can be in music, poetry, people, places and dreams. Inspiration for such productions appears to come from an unknown higher source that feeds these areas and can never be mistaken for something else or ruined by anything. If it's there it's real and solid.
True nostalgia is the wish to recapture any of these moments of magic that you remember and are clearly absent now. So we look back as if remembering old magic can bring it back, but you can't.

It's a start but not a finish. Magic is the treasure but I have no map. Like the weather, both illness and pleasure come and go as they please. I am now apparently aware of what it is that life is for, but not the slightest clue how to deliberately bring it into my life. But as I only got the point last night I may need a little longer in case there may be a route I haven't tripped over yet.

Another related concept is now attached and extended from magic, heaven. What else could it be but finding the magic but never losing it again? No, you can't get accustomed to it. We're designed to appreciate these things, and at most we may not appreciate it once, lose it, and realise what we've lost. Few if any people do that again when it returns. As I said, you can't miss it.
I have listed as many examples I can from my own life as a sort of anchor point, and would do anyone good to do the same. It will draw you towards the positive and possibly someone may stumble into a method of accessing it without relying on sheer chance. This phenomenon is a real one. I've been aware of it a very long time but only just realised this is what life is actually for, to find ourselves in this place as often as we can, and possibly find a way of remaining there permanently, while alive. And unlike enlightenment which means almost nothing to anyone without it, this is a state so familiar I can mark every moment of my past I was there. I just very rarely have it and have currently no way of finding it by looking. Yet.

1 comment:

Sharon Schoepe said...

I believe you are on to something here. Still don't have any times in my life that I could say were "magic" but maybe someday. Anything is possible.