Friday, May 05, 2006

Catching up

Inspired by other bloggers at times, I see the 'busy bee' (I'm sure you know who you are but won't name you unless you agree in advance) has become slightly overtaken by circumstances, in that his interminable partying has finally caught up with him. I don't think any age is totally immune to it, just easier to get worn out as the decades add up.

I think anything done to excess, work or play, is going to show its mark sooner or later. I rarely did either, though the only times I did overdo it was always work and related, the most I ever did socially was go to three films in three days when I stayed in Hull (nothing else to do there) and 4 football matches in 5 days a few years ago during the friendlies. I spent 10 years on the social scene mainly to meet girlfriends, and by the 80s was going out about 4 nights a week, not so much because I liked it (though the clubs with games and quizzes were fun) but tolerated discos and the like purely to hook up.
If I actually met someone there was no reason to do that sort of thing (though I did if they wanted to as being able to walk into a dance with someone and know you were set up for the night was more fun than anything else) and nowadays just being with the woman of my choice (having to use very distant memories for that) is all that counts, no need to go anywhere or do anything special as well.

So after a week of constant partying, on top of a job and lots of foreign travel my fellow blogger has begun to falter. I'm 21 years older than him and see echoes of my own past, though caused by a very different mix of activities the results were the same.

One weird thing is the number of friends who are disturbed by my blog. I'm not sure if it's depressing as it certainly isn't psychotic, but it is possible to carry out cognitive therapy on your own by writing it down and you can see the patterns form as if reflected by another person that way. So by emptying the rubbish here it lets some of it go from inside, so I apologise if I leave any readers with nightmares, but it's not intended to do that.

So back to my catching up, I can't personally see a need to be out and about the whole time. If I had a job (I am familiar with that experience) I'd feel even less inclined by now to care what I did when free as being free would be good enough. Being at an age where everyone else almost is spending all their spare time with their wives and children, I'm in the limbo of too old to rock, too young to die. But have no interest in partying thank you very much. My limits have been the odd spiritual lecture and football match and that'll do for me now.
But that is mainly as I'd been there, done that for long enough to have moved on to a new phase.

Create (paint, write and take photos), learn and play more piano and most of all, get on TV. That is my new phase and suits me fine. Unless I meet a woman who still wants to party I'll never lose a thing from this way of life, and am prepared to deal with any rare woman who is interested in me within 50 miles if that is an issue.

Finally I'll say hello to some of my regulars and not so regulars, as I do hear sometimes who's been dropping in. Like the Da Vinci code (so I hear) I do drop in coded messages occasionally, as Jesus said, for those with eyes to see, and I hope they haven't been too obscured the relevant people won't be able to work them out if they spot them. It's only a game, as if I see them I'd come straight out with whatever it is, but do like to see if any of my little hints get picked up or are all totally wasted. So if anyone's seen something that they wondered 'was he talking to me?' then I probably was. And it's only when I have something nice to say, I wouldn't do it otherwise.

Like Rolf Harris says, do you know what it is yet? Any theories please post at comment section!

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